Core dump on Tru-64 when using 2.2

Richard Papworth richard.papworth at
Tue Sep 3 05:07:29 EDT 2002

Does anyone know the source of the following error message?

exception system: exiting due to multiple internal errors:
        exception dispatch or unwind stuck in infinite loop
        exception dispatch or unwind stuck in infinite loop
exception system: exiting due to multiple internal errors:
        exception dispatch or unwind stuck in infinite loop
        exception dispatch or unwind stuck in infinite loop
Abort process (core dumped)

Build information:
Python 2.2 (#2, Feb 20 2002, 11:44:40) [GCC 2.95 19990728 (release)]
on osf1V4

I've only experienced this problem over the past couple of days.
Firstly when attempting to use minidom to parse a string, then when
using the help system under the interactive interpreter.

I'm puzzled 'cos I'm sure these are activities I've carried out
without a hitch over the past few months. So why the problem now? Any

Thanks in advance


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