RELEASED email package version 2.3

Barry A. Warsaw barry at
Fri Sep 13 11:48:40 EDT 2002

>>>>> "BAW" == Barry A Warsaw <barry at> writes:

    BAW> I've just released the (standalone) email package version
    BAW> 2.3.  This is identical to the version that is in the current
    BAW> cvs development tree for Python 2.3.  It is made available as
    BAW> a distutils package for installing in earlier versions of
    BAW> Python.  It is compatible with Python 2.1.3 and Python 2.2.1.

    BAW> email-2.3.tar.gz is available from the mimelib project on
    BAW> SourceForge:


Sorry folks, the email-2.3.tar.gz package was missing one of the test
suite files.  You'll notice this if you ran "python" and
saw failures due to the missing file msg_31.txt.

I've just released email-2.3.1.tar.gz which contains the missing
file.  There are no other substantive changes in this micro release so
if you don't care about the test suite, there's no need to update.


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