bit operations ?

Anton Vredegoor anton at
Fri Sep 20 14:17:04 EDT 2002

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 16:40:18 +0200, "Shagshag13" <shagshag13 at>

>i'm looking for any libs which could handle bit operations on integer.
>(i must be able to get 0 to n bits from any int., only bit j, etc.)

If you're interested in setting/getting a lot of bits of a long
integer at once, this might be faster than bitshifting. I am not
guaranteeing that it is failsafe, or even that it is fast. Just hobby
programmer code I wrote when I was chasing phantoms. It works only for
long integers >= 0L now, but this should be easy to correct.

The two functions are reciprocal, so if bits are set with the setbits
function the getbits function does the reverse.

Anton. test script

from time import time
import dis

#list of bit positions that are set to one
bitget ={'0' : [], '1' : [0], '2' : [1], '3' : [0,1],
         '4' : [2], '5' : [0,2], '6' : [1,2], '7' : [0,1,2],
         '8' : [3], '9' : [0,3], 'A' : [1,3], 'B' : [0,1,3],
         'C' : [2,3], 'D' : [0,2,3], 'E' : [1,2,3], 'F' : [0,1,2,3]}

#f.e. if bit at position 1 is set, '8' changes to 'A' etc.
bitset = {  '0' : ['1','2','4','8'],  '1' : ['1','3','5','9'],
            '2' : ['3','2','6','A'],  '3' : ['3','3','7','B'],
            '4' : ['5','6','4','C'],  '5' : ['5','7','5','D'],
            '6' : ['7','6','6','E'],  '7' : ['7','7','7','F'],
            '8' : ['9','A','C','8'],  '9' : ['9','B','D','9'],
            'A' : ['B','A','E','A'],  'B' : ['B','B','F','B'],
            'C' : ['D','B','E','C'],  'D' : ['D','F','D','D'],
            'E' : ['F','E','E','E'],  'F' : ['F','F','F','F'] }
def setbits(ilist):
    #set bits at the positions defined in ilist,
    #returns a long integer
    dd,m = divmod(max(ilist),4)
    if m:
    res = ['0'] * (dd+1)
    for x in ilist:
        d, m = divmod(x,4)
        i = dd-d
        res[i] = bitset[res[i]][m]
    return long(''.join(res),16)

def getbits(along):
    #return a list of integers corresponding to the 
    #bitpositions that are set
    h = hex(along)[2:-1]
    res = []
    i = 0
    for j in range(len(h)-1,-1,-1):
        for pos in bitget[h[j]]:
    return res

def test():
    n =1000
    a = 2349384569856987569824652587349873498723498L
    b = getbits(a)
    for i in range(n):
    print time()-t
    for i in range(n):
    print time()-t
    print setbits(b) == a
  #  print dis.dis(setbits)
  #  print dis.dis(getbits)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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