Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 4)

James Kew james.kew at btinternet.com
Wed Sep 4 17:29:33 EDT 2002

"Ian Bicking" <ianb at colorstudy.com> wrote in message
news:448A0F008E0AFE11.19B9EF86BEE2B191.107D5020B234F743 at lp.airnews.net...
> QOTW:  The canonical, "Python is a great first language", elicited,
> "Python is a great last language!" -- Noah Spurrier
> <c9d82136.0208251844.63a6d187 at posting.google.com>

>     A thoughtful note on one person's decision to use Python in a
>     scientific environment:
>         <3D60A1E2.7FD246E0 at anansispaceworks.com>

*cough* My newsreader turns this into an email address, not a news article.

I can't persuade Google to find this message-id; any chance of a link? I
don't remember that thread but it sounds interesting.

James Kew
james.kew at btinternet.com

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