PyQT picture display

Jim jimb417 at NO*
Fri Sep 6 22:40:39 EDT 2002

Hello to all,

I've a widget with three buttons and a label. I want to display a JPEG 
picture when either of the first two buttons is clicked. When I run the 
code below, the widget displays on screen but when either button is clicked,
the picture does not appear( the text in the label disappears as it should 
). Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?


from qt import *
import sys

class Picts(QWidget):
        def __init__( self, parent = None, name = None ):
                QWidget.__init__( self, parent, name )

                global Picture1
                global Picture2

                Picture1 = QPixmap(  "!Pict1.jpg" )
                Picture2 = QPixmap(  "!Pict2.jpg" )

                self.label = QLabel( "Click to see a picture!", self )
                self.label.setGeometry( 50, 50, 300, 300 )

                button1 = QPushButton( "Picture 1",self )
                button1.setGeometry( 10, 10, 80, 30 )

                button2 = QPushButton( "Picture 2",self )
                button2.setGeometry( 100, 10, 80, 30 )

                button3 = QPushButton( "Quit", self )
                button3.setGeometry( 190, 10, 80, 30 )

                self.connect( button1, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ),  self.setPicture1 )
                self.connect( button2, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ),  self.setPicture2 )
                self.connect( button3, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), qApp, SLOT( "quit()" ) )

        def setPicture1( self ):
                self.label.setPixmap( Picture1 )

        def setPicture2( self ):
                self.label.setPixmap( Picture2 )

app = QApplication( sys.argv )
w = Picts()
w.setGeometry( 100, 100, 500, 500 )
app.setMainWidget( w )

Registered Linux User #269187

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