Stackless Python, eventual merge?

Christian Tismer tismer at
Fri Sep 20 09:33:08 EDT 2002

Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> Christian Tismer <tismer at> writes:
>>>Academically, I don't think the results are unpredictable, as
>>>micro-thread switch occur at predictable points in processing.
>>Yes, right now, but this will change pretty soon.
> You mean, tasklet switches will occur at unpredictable times?
> This sounds like a bad idea.

Old Stackless had pre-emptive scheduling, and everybody
was happy with it. Microthreads were the major application.
I need to support this again, but in a much more fine-grained
It is (again) the user's decision whether he allows
free scheduling of certain code. Some people love it,
some people hate it. I don't care, but support it all.


>>I have to do rigid locking of every unknown piece of code, until
>>somebody explicitly claims some code to be switchable.
> This, again, sounds terrible. I doubt it will help, and users will
> complain.

I don't think it makes sense to continue this
discussion in a public forum. Let's sit together
with a beer at some time, and you will see what
I have in mind. I'm not aiming at complaining
users. Instead, they will get the same safe default
behavior as with the old version, only better.
My fault is to provide a flare gun without a locking
bolt. Will to whatever it needs to fix this.

ciao - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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