[Help]: mailbox classes

Huaiyu Zhu huaiyu at gauss.almadan.ibm.com
Fri Sep 20 14:34:41 EDT 2002

J. Li <jylimd at yahoo.com> wrote:
>I am trying to extract a message from a unix mailbox file. Python does 
>provide few classes for easy and uniform access. So it says! After 
>having read the libiary references, I went nowhere. 
>Can anyone give me an example as how to use these mailbox classes and 
>what is it relationship with email.message classes.

I just figured this out yesterday following examples in spambayes project.
The documentation is very fuzzy, but this works for me:

from mailbox import PortableUnixMailbox as MB
from email import message_from_file as get_msg

def get_mbox(mfile):
	return MB(file(mfile), get_msg)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	mbox = get_mbox('test.mail')
	msgs = list(mbox)
	msg = msgs[2]
	print msg['Subject']
	print msg


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