Grumble about too strict an attitude about backward compatibility...

Skip Montanaro skip at
Thu Sep 5 15:28:34 EDT 2002

    >> What's the Python connection?  Other than a reminder not to get to
    >> slavish about backward compatibility, I note that these same function
    >> names will then go on to pollute the Python namespace because all
    >> this Fortran code is automatically wrapped using f2py.

    laotseu> Well, that may be true, but the chances of a name collision are
    laotseu> pretty low IMHO...

Name collisions weren't what I was getting at.  Python allows essentially
unlimited identifier lengths, but people manipulating these functions from
Python code still have to use the cryptic 4-6 character names.  Perhaps f2py
allows mapping such names to something more meaningful.  (One can hope. ;-)


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