Using Python to call a DCOM server - "'Class not registered"

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Sat Sep 7 20:04:08 EDT 2002

Thomas Jensen wrote:

> Is it safe to say that "ActiveX DLL" = InprocServer32 and "ActiveX EXE" 
> = LocalServer and that I need the later to use DCOM? (I have some 
> existing components that I'd rather keep as DLL - don't know why really? 
> :-)

Yep.  InProcServer32 means that the COM object is implemented in a DLL, 
and loaded into the calling process.  LocalServer means it is an 
executable, and loaded into a separate process and IPC used across 
boundaries.  For DCOM, there is no way the object can be loaded into the 
same process, so executable based servers must be used.


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