Large file support and stat vs stat64 in extension modules

Skip Montanaro skip at
Wed Sep 11 13:23:16 EDT 2002

    >> Did you #include <sys/stat.h>?

    Ben> Yes, but perhaps I'm not including something else.  Here is a short
    Ben> program (test.c):


Dunno what else might be causing it.  I modified your program slightly:

    #define __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <unistd.h>

      struct stat st;
      if (stat("/home/ben/work/big/bigfile", &st) != 0)
      else printf("OK\n");

and ran it through gcc -E.  I expected the stat() call to be transformed,
but it wasn't.  Apparently, I don't have large file support builtin.  In
fact, I saw

    extern int stat (__const char *__restrict __file,
                     struct stat *__restrict __buf) ;

    extern int fstat (int __fd, struct stat *__buf) ;

in the output, suggesting that by the time that little bit of code in
sys/stat.h was executed __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 had been #undef'd.

Skip Montanaro
skip at

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