[win32all] Out parameter in outgoing interface

Syver Enstad syver-en+usenet at online.no
Thu Sep 12 16:39:15 EDT 2002

It does not seem possible use out parameters in an outgoing interface.


outgoing dispinterface, atl implementation of server, makepy support
generated, python client which implements the outgoing interface.

Tried with both win32com.client.getevents and

Debugged through it, the event gets fired from atl code the python
code gets called, I thought maybe returning a tuple (the return value
+ the outgoing value) would work but the out parameter, a BSTR* (ie a
OLECHAR**) is untouched back in ATL land.

I guess this is unsupported, or??


Vennlig hilsen 

Syver Enstad

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