calling Oracle functions

Дамјан Г. пенгуиниста at маил?=.=?iso-8859-5?Q?нет?=.=?iso-8859-5?Q?мк
Fri Sep 13 12:22:04 EDT 2002

> Oracle differentiates between functions and procedures so you must
> identify that you are calling a function, not a procedure. The DB API
> does not allow for this, so you must use an anonymous PL/SQL block and
> some non DB API code. The way to do this is as follows:

ok. I also tried that, I mean a PL/SQL block... but

> Replace the data types as appropriate.

> v_Vars = v_Cursor.setinputsizes(p_Result = cx_Oracle.NUMBER)

didn't know about this :)) thanks.
> If anyone has suggestions about how to improve this, fire away... :-)

yes, put it in the documentation. 
Actually is there any documentation about cx_Oracle, past the README

Now a simpler question:
	is it possible to specify the data source name directly not through
	the alias defined in tnsnames.ora. In perl DBD I can specify a
	connection string like cs = "dbi:Oracle:host=;sid=TEST"?


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