Python threading?

sismex01 at sismex01 at
Thu Sep 26 10:10:19 EDT 2002

> I wonder if generators can come to a rescue here?
> Still trying to get them into my head...
> Thomas

I was thinking exactly the same thing, generators as
cooperative multithreading.

I wonder if a "task", or a "service", in an async server
could simply initialize and then "yield" when it's ready
to be paused, and between yield's do some processing.

The core server would simpy call the service factory when
it's requested, receive a generator back, add it to it's
pool of active services, and iteratively call every
generators ".next()" method, so everybody gets a bit of
attention and love each cycle.

You could even use priorities, something simple, where high-
priority services would receive a bit more attention every
complete cycle.

I dunno, but it's an idea who's time has time, I think.



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