ANN: tarfile 0.6 released

Lars Gustäbel lars at
Thu Oct 24 05:36:17 EDT 2002

I'm proud to announce the 0.6 release of tarfile.

tarfile is a python module for reading and writing tar archives. The 0.6
release has some important bug fixes and introduces the support for bzip2
compression and tape devices. For users of tarfile versions below 0.6, it
is highly recommended to update.

Features list:
*   platform independent. 
*   creates POSIX compliant tar archives, GNU tar archives on demand.
*   support for gzip and bzip2 compressed archives. (bzip2 compression
requires the bz2 module version 1.1)
*   support for tape devices.
*   support for the most common GNU tar extensions.
*   support for files, directories, hardlinks, symbolic links, fifos and
character and block devices.
*   optional zipfile compatible class interface.
*   comprehensive documentation and a unittest.
*   BSD-style license.

tarfile is available here:

Thank you.

Lars Gustäbel
lars at

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