internet explorer and COM -- dynamic content

dsavitsk dsavitsk at
Sun Oct 20 20:25:27 EDT 2002

here is the VB to do it.

WebBrowser1.Navigate2 "about:blank"
Do Until WebBrowser1.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
WebBrowser1.Document.body.innerhtml = "<HTML>Hello, World!</HTML>"


"Eric Hagemann" <ehagemann at> wrote in message
news:crmcnbt_9awRKS2gXTWcow at
> Figured out how, using the win32 extensions to invoke IE from Python and
> point it to a document -- no biggie with the provided demos.  However I
> not been sucessful at finding a way to push a document into IE from python
> 'live' -- in other words without having to store the text (HTML) in a file
> and then point the browser to the file.  Is this possible ?  The endgame
> would be to create dynamic content, open a browser and present the output
> a user. Anybody ever try this ?

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