Initializing class variables with a file

Karthikesh Raju karthik at
Tue Oct 8 05:50:45 EDT 2002

Hi All,

Starting to slowly shift from Matlab to python. Was wondering how to
do the following:

1. i want to initialize all the class variable thro the __init__(self)
   method, but it should be initialized thro a file.
   i set up the parameters for the expt in the file and the 
   self.a,b,c = are assigned by reading this file

   How does one do it.

2. i want to store the results in a file. Can i use c/pickle as a
   substitute for the 'mat' format in Matlab

3. Is it a good design to have all the variables as self. variables
   and have methods return values if and when needed.

Thankx in advance


Karthikesh Raju,		    email: karthik at		
Helsinki University of Technology,  Tel: +358-9-451 5389
Laboratory of Comp. & Info. Sc.,    Fax: +358-9-451 3277
Department of Computer Sc.,
P.O Box 5400, FIN 02015 HUT,

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