Which Linux distribution

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Sat Oct 5 08:38:13 EDT 2002

I don't understand what your problem is since you
can install different versions of Python into distinct
locations. I run at least four or five different Python
versions under RH 7.3 without any problems. The key
to your success is to compile Python on your own and
use the configure --prefix=....


--On Samstag, 5. Oktober 2002 04:48 -0700 Jaroslav Gresula 
<jgresula at seznam.cz> wrote:

> I've installed RH 7.3 recently and I'm pretty frustrated from their
> approach to Python packages. It is almost impossible to switch to
> Python 2.x version since majority of their scripts is based on 1.5.x.
> I've already read some guides how to accomplish that but it is PITN.
> I'm about to switch to different distribution and that's my question.
> What is your experience? What distribution would you recommend to me?
> My primary requirement on the distrubution is to have a nice Pyton
> environment with easy maintenance of multiple python versions.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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