embedding python

Michael Olberg olberg at oso.chalmers.se
Mon Oct 21 03:20:59 EDT 2002


I had earlier written an application which embedded Python and which
worked fine. After an upgrade to python 2.1.1 the program started to
fail. In an attempt to debug it, I started from scratch, using the
example code of a minimalist program that embeds Python, taken from the
'Linux Programming' book:

----------------------- mypy.c --------------
#include <stdio.h>

#include "Python.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  int rc;

  PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv);
  rc = PyRun_AnyFile(stdin, "???");

  return rc;

I compile and link it like this:

  gcc -c -I/usr/include/python2.1 mypy.c
  gcc -o mypy mypy.o /usr/lib/python2.1/config/libpython2.1.a \
      -ldl -lutil -lpthread -lieee -lm

When I run it, I can enter Python code interactively as expected. Importing
modules like 'sys' and 'string' and using them works fine, but when I do 
'import Numeric' I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "???", line 1, in ?
 File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/Numeric/Numeric.py", line 86, in ?
  import multiarray 
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/Numeric/multiarray.so:
undefined symbol: PyInt_FromLong

So obviously there is a problem to dynamically resolve entry points in
the Numeric module. The Numeric module works just fine when I use it with 
Python directly. I have no idea what's going on here. Could someone let me 
know how to proceed?


Michael Olberg           | e-mail: olberg at oso.chalmers.se
Onsala Space Observatory | tel: +46-31-7725507 (work) +46-300-10778 (home) 
S-43992 Onsala, SWEDEN   | fax: +46-31-7725590
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