Looking for a "stand alone" database

Gary Herron gherron at islandtraining.com
Fri Oct 18 02:41:54 EDT 2002

On Thursday 17 October 2002 06:03 pm, Adams-Blake Co. wrote:
> MySQL and Postgre are good, but they are overkill for my application. What
> I need is something like MS Access... somthing that will handle basic SQL
> joins and something that is easy for the user to install. MySQL goes in as
> a "service" and most customers will never be able to get it installed...
> and I don't know of an installer that would do it in Windows, Linux, and
> Mac OS X.
> If I had background, I'd see about trying to use XML as a file system, but
> that may be more work than I want to take on.
> Anyone know of a small "bare bones" file system that will let me use SQL
> statements to return groups of records.... in Jython?
> Thanks,
> Al

Have a look at gadfly at http://gadfly.sourceforge.net/gadfly.html

Here's the first couple of lines found on that page:

Gadfly is a collection of python modules that provides relational
database functionality entirely implemented in Python. It supports a
subset of the intergalactic standard RDBMS Structured Query Language

One of the most compelling aspects of Gadfly is that it runs whereever
Python runs and supports client/server on any platform that supports
the standard Python socket interface. Even the file formats used by
Gadfly for storage are cross-platform -- a gadfly database directory
can be moved from Win95 to Linux using a binary copying mechanism and
gadfly will read and run the database.

Gary Herron
gherron at islandtraining.com

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