[OT} How to un-GPL parts of a GPL'd module.

Neil Hodgson nhodgson at bigpond.net.au
Tue Oct 8 20:46:33 EDT 2002

Michael Stenner:

> The problem is, it CAN get real murky if you've read the code, and had
> a real live light-bulb realization as a direct result.  The OP
> basically admitted having such a realization.

   A "light-bulb realization" makes it safer to use the knowledge as you
have understood the idea behind the code so should be able to reimplement
it. It is when you don't really understand the code and are mechanically
copying or transforming the code that you are more likely to be infringing
copyright. Copyright covers expressions of ideas, not the ideas or
algorithms themselves.

   The GPL is interested in protecting several freedoms. One of the most
important is the freedom to read code. I'd hate to see discussions like this
discouraging anyone from reading source code.


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