number comparison problem

Dennis Lee Bieber wlfraed at
Tue Oct 15 23:58:14 EDT 2002

Chris Fonnesbeck fed this fish to the penguins on Tuesday 15 October 
2002 08:10 pm:

>>>> print fb,fc
> 0.132945911028 0.132945911028

        What do you get is you don't use "print", just the variable on the 

>>>> print fb>fc
> 1
> These numbers look the same to me; what do I have to do to be able to
> test numbers accurately in python?
        What does

print fb - fc


        Almost all texts covering numerical analysis with computers will 
emphasize that floating point operations are /not/ exact! The proper 
method of comparing floating point data is to first define an epsilon 
at which differences are to be ignored.

        Instead of

if fb == fc:


if (abs(fb - fc) < eps):        # eps selected to fit the problem domain

        For your example

print (fb - fc) > 0.0

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