Why can't I change the 'from' option in Tkinter.Scale ?

Tim Williams timothy.williams at nvl.army.mil
Fri Oct 4 11:51:04 EDT 2002

I'm trying to create a scale widget, but I want the low end to be
something >0.  I try to create it with the from option, but I get a
syntax error:

>>> from Tkinter import *

>>> s=Scale(Tk(),from=100,to=300)
  File "<stdin>", line 1
>>> s=Scale(Tk(),to=300)
>>> s.pack()
>>> s.config('from')
('from', 'from', 'From', '0', '0.0')
>>> s.config('to')
('to', 'to', 'To', '100', '300.0')

What's going on?

Thanks in advance.

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