Python pattern repository

Chris Liechti cliechti at
Fri Oct 18 15:20:11 EDT 2002

bokr at (Bengt Richter) wrote in news:aoo4to$lli$0 at
>>google is only including pages that are linked somewhere. it took
>>many months until it indexed my page with a gcc port...
> At least for newsgroup postings, it seems to go fast. And for that we
> also have the archives.

yup. news and some news sites are quickly indexed, but some wepages use a 
long time. and i think your idea is very useful for webpages too.
>>and an other problem might come up. i'll just mention "versions"...
>>it will become difficult to find the best snipped if there are so many
>>similar entries etc.
> A really important point! I don't have a good plan yet...

well, maybe "sort by date" is a good and easy starting point

> I hope I haven't miffed the catalog and cookbook people by trespassing
> on their turf. That's not the intent. This is to start something where
> it isn't happening, not to replace something. I think there could be
> some synergy. ;-) 

i understood it that way. the work to paste a simple marker may be small 
enough so that one can do it often. the cookbook and the vaults are fine 
for but pypan is better to mark snippets that are crafted "on the fly" 
during discusions etc.

Chris <cliechti at>

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