Tcl8.3 Problem: Can't find correct init.tcl file

Marc mnations at
Wed Oct 16 15:55:46 EDT 2002

This is a problem that is specific to one computer. I don't have this
problem on any other computer that I work on, and it can't seem to
find the init.tcl file. Here is the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 110, in ?
  File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1487, in __init__
TclError: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:
    {C:\ptc\dataserver\intralink\tools\lib\tcl} {}
tools\lib\tcl} C:/ptc/dataserver/intralink/tools/lib/tcl8.3
C:/lib/tcl8.3 C:/lib
/tcl8.3 lib/tcl8.3 lib/tcl8.3/library library ../tcl8.3/library

This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.

For some reason it is looking in the *wrong* place for the init.tcl
file. It might be having some type of conflict with the other
applications that are installed on this computer. But in none of these
paths is the correct path to find the init.tcl file. When I move the
folders over to one of the places it's looking, then it finds it and
runs with no problem. But I still can't use the py2exe application to
turn the file into an executable, so it must be hard-coded there to
look in one place and store the Tcl and Tk folders in one place.

Again, this problem is only on one computer, and it runs on all the
other computers I try it on. But I still have to get it working on
this computer.

So my first question is: Why is it not looking in the correct place
for the init.tcl file?

And: Where can I change Python to include the paths where it should

Thanks ahead of time,

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