Win32, COM, DLLs and DirectX

GambiT gambit at
Fri Oct 18 07:22:33 EDT 2002

Hi everyone,

I am quite new to Python, and as a game developper I am looking forward
using it in development tools (like graphical editors and so on).
I know useful graphical libraries like OpenGL and SDL are available (not
mentionning GUIs) from Python code, but I wanted to do a little check by
myself about DirectX.

Talking about a specific tool, it can be possible to think about all DirectX
features I need and use a DLL to be loaded in Python to call them. But for
the moment I wanted to know how deep into DirectX I can dive from Python.

First thing I tried is COM objects, or I would better say DirectX Type
Librairy for Visual Basic. I do not quite understand really what is the
difference between this and an usual COM object, but it seems I cannot
access DirectX features this way. At best, I can obtain a IDirectx8
interface object, but no further (as DirectX methods are stored in vtables I
cannot access and it seems other intrefaces do not support IDispatch - then
I cannot instantiate any other type of object)

Then I looked at dynwin and calldll stuff, and loaded DX DLLs. Methods are
accessible this way, but as there is no type support for DX objetcs this
way, I cannot do much with returned objects (for example I can create a
device from DX top-level interface loaded from the DLL, but then I cannot
access the device object's methods)

I read on the pycom-dev ML that someone has coded the Invoke() and
InvokeTypes() methods for PyITypeInfo, and making win32com.client support
vtable interfaces. I am not there yet, as I do not have any experience of
Python in-depth coding.

Could someone give me some advice, or someone has maybe run into the same
problem. Any kind of help would be appreciated.


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