mod_python & publisher handler

piter tojopiter at
Thu Oct 17 12:07:16 EDT 2002

i'm new to mod_python and trying to run publisher example:

this is what i have in httpd.conf:
<Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/python">
   AddHandler python-program .py
   PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
   PythonDebug on
#   PythonEnablePdb on

and my is like from "6.1.1 Introduction" paragraph
""" Publisher example """

def say(req, what="NOTHING"):
    return "I am saying %s" % what


and when i enter URL like: http://localhost/python/
everything is ok, i got:
I am saying wwww
but when i try: http://localhost/python/hello/say?what=wwww (note that here
i have hello instead of i got:
I am saying NOTHINGIs it a bug of feature: i mean why can i enter URL
without .py extention and why it works but parameters are not passed?piter

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