Which Linux distribution

Jaroslav Gresula jgresula at seznam.cz
Sun Oct 6 10:55:43 EDT 2002

I know the --prefix param but from my point of view it
doesn't give me a seamless solution. I have to switch to 1.5.x
(change the PATH variable) whenever I want to use some of the 
RH python scripts.
I just wanted to know whether other distributors don't solve this
more elegantly.

Andreas Jung <andreas at andreas-jung.com> wrote in message news:<mailman.1033821548.20162.python-list at python.org>...
> I don't understand what your problem is since you
> can install different versions of Python into distinct
> locations. I run at least four or five different Python
> versions under RH 7.3 without any problems. The key
> to your success is to compile Python on your own and
> use the configure --prefix=....

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