McMillan / Tk / encoding problem

Thomas Korb Doc at
Fri Oct 4 09:43:26 EDT 2002

Thanks for your hints; but I am not sure, that this will work, since I 
am using i.p. 4Suite's XSLT-processor (which also needs the default-
encoding set to e.g. iso-8859-1; otherwise it will complain about chars
above ASCII 127). Don't know if I can overcome this problem.

By the way - you are right about my 'encoding functions'. I did not
write them myself but put the usual stuff for encoding in some methods
(together with some testing). So *I am* using things like text.encode(...)
and unicode(text, ...) etc. etc. 

Dr. Thomas Korb  /  GOODWEB.DEsign  /  /  Doc at

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