classes question!

Robin Munn rmunn at
Wed Oct 16 11:23:39 EDT 2002

In article <2dfzv6y2g4.fsf at>, Karthikesh Raju wrote:
> Hi,
> i just started to write a class, when i was struck:
> i did something like:
> import Numeric
> import RandomArray
> class source:
>       def __init__(self, k=1,n=1,type='uniform'):
>               self.k = k
>               self.n = n
>               self.type = type
>               if type == 'uniform':
>            = RandomArray.random([K,N])

First question: what happens if type is not 'uniform'? Then
does not get set, and you'll get an AttributeError when you try to use later on.

Second question: why are you using lowercase k in your method and
uppercase K in your call to RandomArray.random()? That'll get you a
NameError from the Python interpreter -- Python is case-sensitive,
unlike (say) Visual Basic.

Third question: what do k and n stand for, anyway? It might be obvious
to you but it's not obvious to me. Use more descriptive variable names.

> Now i want to do __add__ overloading and the function should return an
> another source
> i did:
> def__add__(self, other):
>      return source( + other)

I assume this was not cut&pasted from your code. If it was, you'd have
gotten a SyntaxError -- you need a space between 'def' and '__add__'.

> i keep getting errors when i try x+5; x is an object of type source. 
> i want to be able to implement 
> x+5
> x+y (x,y are of type sources)
> and other non source types should be converted to source types.

Well, when you do x+5, Python calls x.__add__(5) -- which is the same as
calling source.__add__(x, 5). If you don't understand the preceding
sentence, go read section 9.3.4 of the Python tutorial:

until you do. Now: when you call source.__add__(x, 5), your function
tries to return a source object initialized from has
been initialized from the RandomArray.random() function.

Fourth question: what does the RandomArray.random() function return? And
does *that* object have its behavior defined when you try to add an
integer to it? For example, a list can't have an integer added to it;
Python will give you a TypeError if you try.

Fifth question: what happens when you do x+y where x and y are both
source objects? (I know the answer to this one, but you'll learn more if
you answer it yourself :-))

Sixth question: did you also want to be able to do 5+x? As your code
stands now, you'll get an error. Read:

and think about the difference between __mul__ and __rmul__. Then think
about the difference between __add__ and __radd__. (And while you're
thinking, hit the up-arrow link on that page and read the whole book!)

> Any help is great,
> thankx in advance,
> karthik

Hope this gets you pointed in the right direction to understand operator
overloading better.

Robin Munn
rmunn at

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