Reports, PDF, and grid widget for Python?

Cameron Laird claird at
Tue Oct 22 14:09:30 EDT 2002

In article <mailman.1035295773.7033.python-list at>,
John Hunter  <jdhunter at> wrote:
>>>>>> "Adams-Blake" == Adams-Blake Co
><aremovethiscanton at> writes:
>    Adams-Blake> Cameron Laird wrote: ------------------------
>    Adams-Blake> We're too small to have our own co-lo Internet
>    Adams-Blake> server, so we will have to be hosted. How many Zope
>    Adams-Blake> or JSP host ISPs are there?
>There are 89 companies which provide 'professional Zope services'
>listed on the page:
>Or search google for zope hosting:
>You may want to take a look at the htmldoc utility.  This (among other
>things) converts html to PDF.  I have been impressed with the quality
>of pdf generation.  If you stop by a bookstore, take a look at The
>Zope Book (Latteier & Pelletier).  The entire book was generated using
>htmldoc, and is a high quality publication.  So one option you have is
>generating your reports in html or structured text in zope, and
>converting them to pdf using htmldoc.  You would probably have to pay
>some attention to generating html that htmldoc handles well, but this
>might get you up and running, until you or someone else wraps
>reportlab's functionality into a form usable by you.  Or it might
>serve all your needs.
>Database connectivity is well supported in zope.  You could generate
>the above in DTML with something like (off the cuff here so forgive
		[more details]
>Or, if you prefer to work exclusively in python (or perl) and generate
>your html there, you can.  Or you can design the front end in a
>WYSIWYG editor and use zope page templates to code the logic.  It's a
>powerful system.
>John Hunter


Much of what Mr. Hunter writes is independent of 
Zope, though, in the sense that *any* reasonable
Web host which supports active content can be 
readily put to the same ends.  Python works just
dandy with essentially all Web servers, and Python
can manage htmldoc, reportlab, database, and so

I'm one of the professional providers of Zope 
services.  I like Zope fine.  I just want to be
precise about our descriptions, so we don't mis-
lead Mr. Canton.

Perhaps it's time to add that, while I don't
understand the value .NET might bring to this
application, and I avoid .NET myself, in fact
Python and Perl have fine .NET capabilities.
There is no logical necessity to oppose, "We can
do this in .NET or Perl."  Both are simultaneously
compossible (as Bertrand Russell liked to

Cameron Laird <Cameron at>

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