SimpleXMLRPCServer Releasing Ports

Skip Montanaro skip at
Tue Oct 8 12:29:13 EDT 2002

    John> I have a script running, using SimpleXMLRPCServer, which works OK.
    John>  Except, when I stop, and restart the script, I receive the error, 
    John> "Address already in use".  Is there something I can do, like a 
    John> destructor, to tidy up, so that the script can be restarted?

You should be able to subclass the SimpleXMLRPCServer class and override the
server_bind method to set the socket to allow address reuse, e.g.:

    class XMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer):
        def server_bind(self):

then instantiate that instead of the SimpleXMLRPCServer class.

Skip Montanaro - skip at
"Airplanes don't fly until the paperwork equals the weight of the
aircraft. Same with i18N." - from the "Perl, Unicode and i18N FAQ"

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