Easy way to break up a sentence?

Padraig Brady Padraig at Linux.ie
Wed Oct 2 10:33:44 EDT 2002

Ken wrote:
> "Padraig Brady" <Padraig at Linux.ie> wrote in message
> news:3D9AFA69.2020804 at Linux.ie...
>>Ken wrote:
>>>Hi all, I am trying to do a simple word search engine. Is there an easy
> way
>>>to break up a sentence into individual words so that I can use it to
> compare
>>>without traversing through every character?
>>>Eg, something like this:
>>>from: "This is an example"
>>>to: ["This", "is", "an", "example"]
>>You can use "".split() but that will not
>>deal with punctuation. For that you will
>>need re.
>>import re
>>re.split('\W+', "This is an, example.")
>>This however will create an empty list item
>>for the last '.'
>>You can get around this by using the converse:
>>re.findall('\w+', "This is an, example.")
> Does string.rstrip() get rid of the commas, fullstops etc.?

Don't get mixed up between strip and split.
The help for rstrip says "returns a string with trailing whitespace removed".
I.E. "123  " -> "123" however "123   ." doesn't change.

> Also, can you explain what the parameters "re.findall('\w+', "This is an,
> example.")" mean?

The \w+ is a regular expression that matches one or more
characters in the set [a-zA-Z0-9_]. I.E. it matches words.
Anything else (like spaces, punctuation) is not returned.

import re
mystring="This is an, example."
re.findall(r'\w+', mystring)     #all words
re.findall(r'\w*i\w*', mystring) #all words containing letter i
re.findall(r'\w{4,}', mystring)  #all words >= 4 letters


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