Paid programming and reversi propoganda >Re: Stallinman in CPU magazine

Timothy Rue threeseas at
Wed Oct 16 18:27:18 EDT 2002

PYTHON Programmers see below.

On 06-Sep-02 12:57:38 Scott Moore <samiam at> wrote:
>Another neat tirade by comrade Stallman, who states that the purpose of
>getting a Linux free GNU Unix is to elimnate free software "tainted" by
>paid software. Unbelievable the GNU organization still considers this
>warmed over communist to be their leader. He is never going to be satisfied
>until the programming profession is very dead. If he had everthing he
>wanted, programmers living off donations, he'd be wanting them all to live
>in communes and growing their own food.

About ready to post some stuff to the public accessable archive of usenet
thru this rather slow newsgroup of gnu discuss...

Look at the last message I dl from this group and what do I see?

Freeloading communism promoters riding on the tail of something very

Ok, so slashdot is getting overun and bought out by the "self proclaimed
master race"  but damn it all, this is not a microsoft newsgroup.

Microsoft stuff is general controlled by them on their network.

It is microsoft that continuely asks the consumers "where do you want to
go today" and in return for the answers that get for FREE, they then
charge the same people and everyone they can, to go there.

It is MicroSoft that proceeds to continuely commit anti-trust violations
in what is supposed to be a free and fair market place and they do it
because they don't get punished for it.

It is Microsoft heavyly involved in pushing their consumer fraud and
denial of consumer choice on everyone with effort to make it law.

The DRM and Pallidumb stuff if a different product line, something less
than for use on what is versatility of computing.

Who but Microsoft jackasses would call the GPL communism and RMS a
communist?  Also claiming GPL means it must be done for free...

What is the GPL, but just a license. It is not politically or economicly
indicating any damn thing. On the other had MS has used their license to
contridict constitutional rights, like freedom of speech. Dose the GPL do
that? No!

What of these technologies that MS owns patents and other such controlling
rights to... DRM and Pallidumb..... that they want to use the legal system
to force everyone to pay them tax for using what is forced upon them? You
know like Saddam forcing everyone to vote for him....or Bush signing into
law the right for him to declair a war... Or tricking users into a new
EULA... Acts of self proclaimed Jackasses. Not the sort of simplicity
Stallman has, he has to constantly work at promoting his views as other
constantly play the bt flipping game against him.

If there is anything the GPL and Richard Stallman are supporting it is the
commonwealth knowledge base of programming. Seeings how the whole human
race can and apparently is benefiting from it, it seems to me that such an
act just doesn't fit the "master race" profile. Rather it fits the
recognition of the value of the whole human race sharing values.

GAME OF REVERSAL!!!! To make out something to be the opposite of what it
really is.

So who the fuck do you think doesn't know that, that you have convinced
yourself there is someone who would believe you in your bit flipping game?

And with this said, I shall be posting updated information regarding a
project targeted at being GPL, into the public accesible archives of
usenet, thru this group gnu discuss. Consider it an act of publishing and
copyright issues and prior art establishment.


I'm looking for a good python programmer who is willing to get paid for
coding the specified parts of this project as found at

Search on "3seas" and note that currently I have requested the oct 2nd bid
request to be cancelled as it was actually posted oct 15 ... and as such
it's exposure to potential programmers has greatly suffered. Upon
Cancellation I will be reposting the bid request, so to have the proper
exposure. If interested, go ahead and bid or comment as I will still get
and consider such, regardless. I like the idea of a middle person, for it
helps to assure fairness for both parties. I will not entertain bids
outside of such.

*3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
   *~ ~ ~      Advancing How we Perceive and Use the Tool of Computers!*
Timothy Rue      What's *DONE* in all we do?  *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*
Email @ mailto:timrue at      >INPUT->(Processing)->OUTPUT>v
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