newbie question on class vars

JXSternChangeX2R JXSternChangeX2R at
Mon Oct 7 15:09:31 EDT 2002

I'm trying to define a global var for the class.  This gets an error:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Hax/HMon/dbclasses/", line 16, in ?
  File "C:/Hax/HMon/dbclasses/", line 6, in fn1
    print __gvar
NameError: global name '_foo__gvar' is not defined

I guess I'm missing something basic about globals.  Help?

Gotta get a good newbie book, the online doc ain't helping at all.

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On XP Pro, if that matters.



class foo:
    __gvar = 1

    def fn1(self):
        print __gvar

    def fn2(self):
        __gvar += 1
        print __gvar


f = foo()


f = None


late bulletin:  saying "self.__gvar" inside fn1 and fn2 fixes, but I
thought the idea was to avoid saying "self." all the time.

another late bulletin:  saying "global" gets no syntax error, but I
can't figure any way to reference from inside fn1:

    global __gvar 

    def fn1(self):
        print __gvar

gets error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Hax\HMon\dbclasses\", line 29, in ?
  File "C:\Hax\HMon\dbclasses\", line 7, in fn1
    print __gvar
NameError: global name '_foo__gvar' is not defined

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