Using Python for blogging

Will Stuyvesant hwlgw at
Sat Oct 19 06:06:39 EDT 2002

Hello all !

reStructuredText (reST) looks cool!  So I was thinking about doing
blogging (web logging, sort of keeping a diary at your ISP) with
Python.  The existing blogging software I know of positively stinks

My ideal thing would be to be able to edit a file at home using reST. 
Then I need some scripts to transform that into html and send it to my
ISP.  For turning reST into html there are example scripts in the reST
Tools directory.

I now have some scripts that work.  For every day there is a reST file
with name e.g. 291002.txt for date 19 october 2002.  And it is in a
directory with name 1002 (guess what:).  So you just edit the files
using reST and you write scripts to turn that into html (could just
use in the reST Tools directory).

But!  The resulting html does not really look like I want, I mean I do
not like the fonts and the sizes etc.  Unfortunately I do not know
much about HTML so I have a question:  How to improve this? 
Recommandations?  Use CSS?  Any pointers on that?

Keep a diary and one day it'll keep you.
                -- Mae West

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