Strange compiler warning

Robin Becker robin at
Thu Oct 10 12:28:46 EDT 2002

In article <3da4af97 at>, Peter Hansen <peter at>
>It's not necessarily better.  That's why I said both "generally",
>above, and "what are you really trying to accomplish?"
>Once we know exactly what you intended, it may become
>feasible to discuss which really _is_ better.  Until
>then, I can say only that "except NameError" (and note
>it should NOT be just "except") is more readable _to me_
>than the lengthy expression you used.  Just personal taste,
>at this point.  Oh, also probably faster, since it is
>not executing two or more Python function calls to do
>the job, if that matters to you.
.... this isn't a real problem, I'm lazy and I want to do some local
debugging inside a method without putting the global into the module,
that way I can remove things without moving up and down too much.

So it's probably not an issue about speed. I was just querying whether
setting up a try/except is more complex than a dict lookup in globals().

For the two cases I see code like

          6 SET_LINENO               6
          9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (globals)
         12 CALL_FUNCTION            0
         15 LOAD_ATTR                1 (has_key)
         18 LOAD_CONST               1 ('_dbg')
         21 CALL_FUNCTION            1
         24 UNARY_NOT           
         25 JUMP_IF_FALSE           22 (to 50)
         28 POP_TOP             

         29 SET_LINENO               7
         32 LOAD_GLOBAL              2 (open)
         35 LOAD_CONST               2 ('/tmp/_dbg.txt')
         38 LOAD_CONST               3 ('w')
         41 CALL_FUNCTION            2
         44 STORE_GLOBAL             3 (_dbg)


          6 SET_LINENO              10
          9 SETUP_EXCEPT            11 (to 23)

         12 SET_LINENO              11
         15 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (_dbg)
         18 POP_TOP             
         19 POP_BLOCK           
         20 JUMP_FORWARD            28 (to 51)

    >>   23 SET_LINENO              12
         26 POP_TOP             
         27 POP_TOP             
         28 POP_TOP             

         29 SET_LINENO              13
         32 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (open)
         35 LOAD_CONST               1 ('/tmp/_dbg.txt')
         38 LOAD_CONST               2 ('w')
         41 CALL_FUNCTION            2
         44 STORE_GLOBAL             0 (_dbg)

so probably the try has it since the op codes seem very simple.
Robin Becker

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