Problem with DNS resolver library -- pydns

Anthony Baxter anthony at
Tue Oct 15 02:43:06 EDT 2002

>>> VanL wrote
> Hello,
> Has anyone used the pynds resolver libraries?  I think I must be missing 
> something, because I'm just not getting out what I think that I should get.
> I'm trying to get a call getIP(domain, nameserver) that will return the 
> IP of domain, (or at least what that nameserver thinks the IP is).
> However, I'm instead getting nothing in the answers, just a bunch of 
> authority records.

This means that the nameserver you asked isn't authoritative for the 
answer, and it's not willing to do the lookup for you. It's saying "I 
don't know, but these people do". 

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at>   
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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