Guido's regrets: filter and map

Robin Becker robin at
Sun Nov 24 06:45:47 EST 2002

In article <pan.2002. at>, Simon Burton
<simonb at> writes
>I just read Guido's "python regret's" slide's from OSCON,
>and one thing i can't work out is,
>he is saying we can do map() and filter() with
>list comprehensions (it's faster too)
>amapedlist = [ somefunc(x) for x in alist ]
>But how would we do a filter with list comprehensions?
>Simon Burton
all my tests indicate that list comprehensions are not very different
from the equivalent for loop. On the other hand if the function is a
builtin then reduce, map & filter can be much faster.


from time import time

n = 1000000
N = xrange(n)

t0 = time()
a = S.append
for x in N:
del S
print 'for loop took %.2f' % (time()-t0)

t0 = time()
S = [str(x) for x in N]
del S
print 'list comprehension took %.2f' % (time()-t0)

t0 = time()
S = map(str,N)
del S
print 'map took %.2f' % (time()-t0)

I repeatedly get

for loop took 5.81
list comprehension took 8.16
map took 4.23

with 2.2.2 win32 on a 1GHz pentium.

What we really need are more useful builtin functions that can be put
into these faster ways of doing things. 
Robin Becker

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