Emacs and Indentation

Bernhard Herzog bh at intevation.de
Wed Nov 6 11:54:48 EST 2002

"Michael Tiller" <mtiller at ford.com> writes:

> Sure, I can type stuff like this:
>     if not x in filled:
>         foo[x] = x[1]
>         bar[x] = x[2]
>     y = x
> ...and Emacs handles this just as I would expect.  BUT, what happens when I
> try to put this code into a for loop?  After I add my for loop, I have:
>     for x in mylist:
>     if not x in filled:
>         foo[x] = x[1]
>         bar[x] = x[2]
>     y = x
> In other languages (Tcl, Java, C++) where the block delimiters are explicit,
> I can just highlight the region and issue an "indent-region" and it would
> automatically indent everything appropriately.  As far as I can tell, this
> does nothing in Emacs (v21.4, windows).  So, I have to go and indent using
> the TAB key. 

Select the region you want indented and use C-c >
Use C-c < to outdent


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