__bases__ and type()

Daniel Silva dansilva at lynx.dac.neu.edu
Mon Nov 18 22:16:52 EST 2002


I am implementing a python compiler and got a bit confused about the
hierarchy of things in python.  I assumed I could have one structure
(call it node) with three fields: parents (a list of nodes), dict (a
hash-table), and is_mutable.
I would then create an instance of a node with no parents and call it
The basic types: int, float, string, none, dict, list, function, class,
instance, tuple,  etc.. would then have object as the single item in the
list of parents.
User-built classes would have class as its only parent if they do not
have inheritance, and a list of super-classes in case they do.

However, given a class C, class D, and a class E that inherits from both
C and D, type(e) evaluates to ClassType, and e.__bases__ evaluates to

Did I get the organization of things incorrectly?  How else should I
organize it for type(), __bases__, and isinstance() to work as expected?

Daniel Silva
dsilva at ccs.neu.edu

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