UDP broadcasts => 'Permission denied'

Brad Hards bhards at bigpond.net.au
Tue Nov 5 06:11:41 EST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 21:45, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Alexandre Fayolle <fang at free.fr> writes:
> > However, it could be interesting to provide more information for people
> > using non-unix systems where these manpages are not easily available.
> Most definitely. The current state is the direct result of
> contributors not having the energy to elaborate more, and thus refer
> to existing documentation whereever possible. Referring to existing
> documentation is a good thing, especially as the behaviour might
> change across systems.
There are many on-line (or downloadable) versions, here is an example.
However the man pages are often a bit scant too, and may vary between 
different unix-type operating systems, or between different versions for a 
particular system.

> However, contributions to improve the documentation would be most
> welcome. Contributors should phrase the documentation carefully to
> point out potentially differences in behaviour across
> systems. E.g. the set of errno values you can get from a specific
> system call can vary, as does the set of available socket options,
> fcntl functions, etc.
This is somewhat difficult, because the actual behaviour for certain functions 
(sockets is probably a good example) may vary on a single installation, 
depending on which kernel is running (for example, I change my linux kernel a 
lot more often than I need to upgrade python!)

I tend to think it would be useful to point out the "reasonable subset" of 
safe options (probably somewhere between POSIX and SUSv3), and to indicate 
that use of certain options (for example PF_NETLINK) may not be portable 
between different operating systems.

And while I am consistently amazed at the quality and quantity of the 
documentation that python does have, I also recognise that continuing effort 
to maintain and expand documentation is a very draining process.


- -- 
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