ANN: Twisted 1.0.1, the Framework of Your Internet

Itamar Shtull-Trauring itamar at
Mon Nov 25 12:44:29 EST 2002

Twisted is an event-driven networking framework for server and client

For more information, visit, join the list or
visit us on #twisted at (also known as

What's New in 1.0.1

 - Lore, a documentation generation framework supporting HTML and LaTeX
 - Initial SOAP support
 - Rewritten UDP API
 - Multicast support
 - Better Tk integration
 - Rewritten DNS protocol, both client and server
 - Virtual hosting utilities for twisted.web
 - Large amounts of work on Woven web templating system
 - Syslog logging
 - GUI equivalents of the command-line mktap and twistd programs
 - Much improved and expanded documentation
 - Many bugfixes

What is Twisted?

Twisted is an event-driven framework for building networked clients and
servers.  It contains a powerful and simple networking core, a
full-featured suite of interoperable protocols, among them a powerful
web server and applications framework.

Twisted supports many event loops for both server apps and GUI
integration on the client side, including:

 - select()
 - poll()
 - kqueue on FreeBSD
 - Win32 events, including GUI support
 - GTK+
 - Qt
 - wxPython
 - Tkinter
 - Java

Twisted can run protocols over TCP, SSL, Unix sockets and subprocesses.
It also includes scheduling support, threading integration, RDBMS event
loop integration and other basic requirements for networked

Also included are implementations of many protocols. In some cases this
includes complete frameworks providing facilities on top of the base

 - SSH
 - FTP
 - HTTP, including a complete web framework
 - XML-RPC server framework
 - SOAP server framework
 - NNTP and complete NNTP server framework
 - SOCKSv4 (server only)
 - IRC
 - telnet
 - POP3
 - AOL's instant messaging TOC
 - OSCAR, used by AOL-IM as well as ICQ (client only)
 - DNS
 - MouseMan serial mice
 - Twisted Perspective Broker, a remote object protocol

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