
Scott Gilbert xscottgjunk at
Tue Nov 5 15:39:33 EST 2002

mis6 at (Michele Simionato) wrote:
> Suppose I want to parse the following expression:
> >>> exp='(a*(b+c*(2-x))+d)+f(s1)'

I'm not sure if you want to understand why simple regexps can't do
what you want, or if you just want a solution to your problem.  Here
is one path you could try:

>>> from compiler import parse
>>> parse(exp)

Module(None, Stmt([Discard(Add((Add((Mul((Name('a'), Add((Name('b'),
Mul((Name('c'), Sub((Const(2), Name('x'))))))))), Name('d'))),
CallFunc(Name('f'), [Name('s1')], None, None))))]))


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