Python documentation in DocBook

Peter Hansen peter at
Sat Nov 16 11:03:50 EST 2002

"David Mertz, Ph.D." wrote:
> I believe I've read this entire thread.  Maybe it's possible I missed a
> post or two though.

I'm afraid I haven't been able to read the entire thread, so I
definitely might have missed key posts....

> Something I have not seen answered even once is:
>     What BENEFIT would there be to putting the Python documentation
>     in DocBook?

At least one I can think of is that if the source were in XML, 
something I can manipulate with my eyes closed thanks both to
its simplicity and to the herculean efforts of the many people
who have contributed to the many Python XML technologies, I 
would have the opportunity to "play" with it, and quite possibly
would come up with some novel things to do with it that those
who currently have access have not, and perhaps would not, have
thought of.

Put another way, it's a matter of *accessibility*.  To me, XML
is accessible, while LaTeX and similar technologies are not.
(They are, in fact, quite opaque to me, without a CS background.)

> But for the life of me, I cannot figure out what good, however slight,
> would come of such a conversion.

Is my description of a potential good, "however slight" it may
be, sufficient for you to concur there just might be some benefit.
I could come up with stronger arguments, I believe, but that
doesn't seem worthwhile at this point in the discussion.


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