How to make changes before doing python build, please help

Ruslan Spivak alienoid at
Tue Nov 19 04:02:06 EST 2002

Hello python-list users,

RedHat8.0 gcc3.2, python2.1.3
I have installed also gcc2.96 for compatability issues.

I compiled python2.1.3 with gcc2.96 (make choosed that gcc - it's ok),
now I want to install DCOracle2 package and doing
'python2.1 build' uses gcc(3.2) by default and that brakes my
package when I load it in python2.1.3.
How can I config so it will use gcc296 for compiling and
linking by default DCOraclw2 package?

Your help is very, very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
 Ruslan                          mailto:alienoid at

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