Pygame in upcoming Py (Was: Re: Python Browser Applets)

Kendall Grant Clark kendall at
Fri Nov 8 14:28:43 EST 2002

>>>>> "terry" == Terry Hancock <hancock at> writes:

  terry> Ah well, I guess SDL+PyGame+PyUI can come to the rescue here. At
  terry> least the SDL+PyGame renderer is already written. So it's now
  terry> just a question of handing that native window to SDL.

I'd like to mention that the forthcoming new issue (1.03) of Py features
an interesting article about Pygame by its author, Pete Shinners.

Issue 1.03 also includes a postmortem interview of Irrational Games'
Freedom Force, which uses Python.

Subscription information and other stuff can be found at

Kendall Clark
In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one
wants, and the other is getting it. --Oscar Wilde

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