Using bsddb with Berkeley DB 3.3

Martin v. Loewis martin at
Sat Nov 9 02:18:37 EST 2002

idoerg at (Iddo) writes:

> I am using the Python2.2 bsddb interface with a BerkeleyDB 3.3.11, on
> Linux RH7.3
> 1) Is this really bad?

I can't see a problem with that.

> 2) My databases seem to be terribly large. For example, I converted a
> 2.6GB hashdb (created with Python too) to BTree, and it blew up to
> ~10GB. Is it the old interface? Something else? Where to I start
> checking?

It is likely not the old interface. The old interface is just a thin
wrapper around the complete Sleepycat interface; the newer packages
expose more of the API functions of Sleepycat DB. If you don't need
any of the other API functions, using the old interface is fine.

I cannot answer the question why the size of the database grows; you
may want to ask on a Sleepycat mailing list. Perhaps it is possible to
tune a database in certain parameters, and it may be possible to do so
only through API (i.e. not through command line utilities); in this
case, you'ld need pybsddb3.


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