Python Browser Applets

Neil Hodgson nhodgson at
Fri Nov 8 06:39:38 EST 2002

Richie Hindle:

> Do you know whether anyone has succeeded
> in doing this for Scintilla?  I'm working on a
> web-based Python debugger, and I'd love to
> allow remote editing of source code within the
> browser using Scintilla.  A quick Google didn't
> turn anything up.

   ActiveState use Scintilla wrapped by a Mozilla plugin in their Komodo
IDE. The plugin works on Win32 and Linux/X. It is not open source. I was one
of the developers and it was not as simple as I expected although some of
that may have been due to the immaturity of Mozilla.

   If you have a recent Java installed there is a technology demonstration
of a code editor component written in Java at
   There was a C# version of the code as well but that stopped working with
.NET service pack 1 which increased security.


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