Python documentation in DocBook

Ken Starks straton at
Wed Nov 13 07:24:33 EST 2002

In article <m3u1imzcs6.fsf at>, Martin v.
Loewis <martin at> writes
>Remember, the documentation format should suit documentation authors,
>not abstract principles, and not documentation readers (as they use
>the formatted versions).

So we need:
  1. LaTeX for authors
  2. XML for the machine
  3. Variety for the readers

To me this boils down to a two-way conversion system, with
a 'there-and-back' circular function that preserves all
content, and turns rapidly into a constant loop.

i.e. given the LaTeX version  A.tex:
   B.xml = pydocTeX2XML(A.tex)
   C.tex = pydocXML2TeX(B.xml)

     A.tex and C,tex would  be equivalent in content, and if:

   D.xml = pydocTeX2XML(C.tex)
   E.tex = pydocXML2TeX(D.xml)

then ...
     C.tex == E.tex
     B.xml == D.xml   

If this works, then it doesn't matter a damn which of 
Latex and xml is the 'official' one.



Ken Starks

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