do you guys help newbies??

John Hunter jdhunter at
Wed Nov 27 05:39:39 EST 2002

>>>>> "malik" == malik martin <malik_martin at> writes:

    malik>    i'm having a simple problem i guess.  but i still dont
    malik> know the answer. anyone see anything wrong with this code?
    malik> i think it's the line in the while loop that starts with
    malik> "averagea = ..."  because it will execute once but once the
    malik> loop goes around one more time it gets an error. is there
    malik> it because averagea has been assigned a definate value? if
    malik> so how do i record the value but reset averagea back to 0(
    malik> i guess it would be 0)

    malik>    any help would be apreciated. thanks!!

I think you forgot to post your code.   Makes it harder.


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